Data Types


To download files:{accountId}/raw/{filePath}

For example:

You must authenticate your requests when downloading private files.

To download files using code:

1curl "{accountId}/raw/{filePath}" \
2 -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
Response (200)
1Binary response

The file's contents.

Your account ID.

This is visible on the settings page:

Example: "A623uY2"

Type: String

Length: 7

Absolute path to a file. Begins with a /.

Example: "/uploads/image.jpg"

Type: String

Min Length: 1

Max Length: 512

Specifies whether to cache the raw file in the Bytescale CDN.

Default: true

Type: Boolean

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, the file will be cached on the user's device and in the Bytescale CDN's edge cache.

Default: Please refer to your account's default cache settings in the Bytescale Dashboard.

Type: Number

Specifies the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that 404 responses will be cached in the Bytescale CDN's edge cache.

Default: Please refer to your account's default cache settings in the Bytescale Dashboard.

Type: Number

Forces the browser to display a download prompt for the file, instead of displaying the file in the browser.

When set to true, the Bytescale CDN will add a content-disposition: attachment header to the HTTP response.

Example: true

Type: Boolean

Downloads the latest version of your file (if you have overwritten it) when added to the URL with a unique value.

The value of the version parameter can be anything, e.g. an incremental number, a timestamp, etc.

You only need to provide and update this value if/when you overwrite your file.

Example: "1"

Type: String

Add one of these Authorization header values to your request:

Option 1: prefix "Bearer " to your API key. The result is your Authorization header value.

Option 2: use HTTP basic authorization with apikey as your username and your API key as your password.

For advanced options, please see:

Type: String

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