Data Types


Colors to use for the Upload Widget.

"active": String,
"error": String,
"primary": String,
"shade100": String,
"shade200": String,
"shade300": String,
"shade400": String,
"shade500": String,
"shade600": String,
"shade700": String,
"shade800": String,
"shade900": String
"active": "#528fff",
"error": "#d23f4d",
"primary": "#377dff",
"shade100": "#333",
"shade200": "#7a7a7a",
"shade300": "#999",
"shade400": "#a5a6a8",
"shade500": "#d3d3d3",
"shade600": "#dddddd",
"shade700": "#f0f0f0",
"shade800": "#f8f8f8",
"shade900": "#fff"

Color for primary buttons and links (hover state).

Default: "#528fff"

Type: String

Color for error messages.

Default: "#d23f4d"

Type: String

Color for primary buttons and links.

Default: "#377dff"

Type: String

Color for standard text.

Default: "#333"

Type: String

Color for secondary button text.

Default: "#7a7a7a"

Type: String

Color for secondary button text (hover state).

Default: "#999"

Type: String

Color for the Upload Widget's welcome text.

Default: "#a5a6a8"

Type: String

Color for the Upload Widget's close button (only visible in "modal" mode).

Default: "#d3d3d3"

Type: String

Color for the Upload Widget's border.

Default: "#dddddd"

Type: String

Color for progress indicator backgrounds.

Default: "#f0f0f0"

Type: String

Color for uploaded file backgrounds.

Default: "#f8f8f8"

Type: String

Color for various UI components (draggable crop buttons, etc.).

Default: "#fff"

Type: String

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